The construction or building industry in Nigeria is a complex and
highly competitive one with varying professionals in different aspects. These
professionals ensure the successful execution of its numerous activities.
However, just like in every sector of the economy of a country,
there are regulatory bodies that are saddled with the responsibility of
ensuring the effective control; coordination; organizing; directing; resource
management and production of building; and other constructional activities in
This article lists the various institutions, their regulatory
bodies and their functions.
Construction practices in
a developing country like Nigeria differ significantly in important
aspects from practices in industrialized or developed countries. In Nigeria,
the greatest challenge facing professionals in the field is that the practice
of construction is not uniform. It varies with the client, size or complexity
of the project from the perspective of the owners.
there are instituted agencies in the construction industry in Nigeria that
regulate building practices in the country. The regulatory bodies are set up to
regulate and ensure that professionals within the construction industry operate
in accordance with the law establishing them.
list of the various institutions and their regulatory body is as followings:
The Nigerian Institute of Building (NIOB): This is the
professional body responsible for promoting the science and practice of
building technology, maintenance, surveying, production/construction
management, maintaining a high standard of competence and professional conduct
as well as promoting and encouraging the advancement of technical and general
knowledge in the building profession in Nigeria is the Nigerian Institute of
Building (NIOB).
its origin from a related society called the “Builders”, which was formed in
1834 and later became ‘The Chartered Institute of Building’ in 1980 and now the
Institute for the Management of Construction, the Nigerian Institute of
Building (NIOB) became the first overseas centre for the Institute of Building
in 1967 and became autonomous in 1970.
is subject to and controlled by The Council of Registered Builders of Nigeria
2. The Nigeria Institute of Architects (NIA): The
Nigerian Institute of Architects (NIA) was founded on the 1st of April 1960 as
an association of independent professional architects with the arms and
objective of fostering friendship amongst members, cater for their welfare and
establish mutual support and cooperation amongst them.
idea for the formation of an independent professional architects organization
in Nigeria was first conceived and motivated by three Nigerian architects while
still pursuing their training in England in the early fifties. The NIA
conducts examinations with the Architects Registration Council of Nigeria (ARCON),
and may be called to arbitrate in cases of dispute or liability.
NIA is subject to and controlled by ARCON.
The Nigeria Society of Engineers (NSE): The Nigerian
Society of Engineers is the umbrella organization for the Engineering Profession
in Nigeria. The Society looks after the professional needs of members through
well-structured programmes and regular interactions among the different cadre
of membership, enhancing high professional standard and ethical practices.
Organisation was founded on 16th February, 1958 by a group of young Nigerian
graduate engineers and students in the UK, the Society was inaugurated at the
Nigerian House in London.
is subject to and controlled by the Council for the Regulation of Engineering
in Nigeria (COREN)
The Nigerian Institute of Estate Surveyor’s and Valuers (NIESV): The
Nigerian Institution of Estate Surveyors and Valuers (NIESV) was founded in
1969 by the few qualified General Practice Chartered Surveyors who were trained
mainly in the United Kingdom. The Institution was granted government
recognition by the enactment of the Estate Surveyors and Valuers (Registration
Act)” Decree No. 24 of 1975. The first Annual Conference of the institution was
held at Ibadan in 1969.
Institution is affiliated to the International Real Estate Federation (FIABCI),
Commonwealth Association of Surveying and Land Economy (CASLE), International
Federation of Surveyors (FIG), Royal Institution of
Chartered Surveyors (RICS), Association of Professional
Bodies of Nigeria(APBN) AND The International Valuation Standards Council
Estate Surveyors and Valuers Registration Board of Nigeria (ESVARBON) is
empowered to regulate and control the practice of the profession of Estate
Surveying and Valuation in the country. NIESV is controlled by ESVARBON
5. The Nigerian Institute of Town Planners (NITP): On
the 5th September 1966, 30 pioneer Town Planners held a historic meeting
in Lagos which led to the formal inauguration of the Nigerian Institute of Town
Planners. A protem Executive Council was elected to steer the affairs of the
young Institute.
develop long- and short-term plans to use land for the growth and
revitalization of urban, suburban, and rural communities, while helping local
officials make decisions concerning social, economic, and environmental
problems. Because local governments employ the majority of urban and regional
planners, they often are referred to as community, regional, or city planners.
NITP is Nigeria’s leading planning body for spatial, sustainable, integrative
and inclusive planning. The NITP exists to advance the science and art of
planning for the benefit of the public.
is subject to and controlled by town Planning registration Council of Nigeria
6. The
Nigerian Institute of Quantity Surveyors (NIQS): The Nigerian
Institute of Quantity Surveyors was founded in 1969 by a group of Nigerians who
trained, qualified and practiced in the United Kingdom but who upon returning
to Nigeria sensed the urgent need to develop the profession of Quantity
Surveying in Nigeria by establishing a parallel body to the Royal Institution
of Chartered Surveyors of United Kingdom.
Profession of Quantity Surveying is practiced in Nigeria along the same pattern
as in the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth countries. In America, they are
known as Cost Engineers. Quantity Surveying functions are carried out in other
countries under a variety of names. Thus, the role is universal. NIQS is
subject to and controlled by the Quantity Surveyors registration Board of
Nigeria (QSRBON).
The Nigerian Institute of Surveyors (NIS): The Nigerian
Institution of Surveyors is perhaps one of the oldest organized Professional
bodies in Nigeria. It started in 1934 as the “Licensed Surveyors Association”
under the leadership of the late Nationalists, Herbert ‘Heelas’ Macaulay.
1960, the name was changed to the “Land Surveyors Association of Nigeria” with
the late Surv. C.T. Olumide as chairman. The current name – ” The Nigerian
Institution of Surveyors” was adopted at the Enugu Conference in 1960 with
the late Surv. C.T. Olumide elected President.
is subject to and controlled by the Surveyors Registration Council of Nigeria
8. Technician Societies - Nigerian
Society Of Engineering Technicians (NSET)
How (NISET) started: Not until
1992, when decree N0.55 of 1970 was established, COREN registered only
engineers, technicians and other cadres of engineering personnel, were not
accorded professional recognition by law. The amendment of this decree-by-decree N0. 27 of 1992 empowered
COREN to register other professional engineering personnel namely: Engineering
Technologists, (holders of HND), Engineering Technicians (holders of OND) and
Engineering Craftsmen (holders of Nat. Craft Cert.)
Nigerian Society of Engineering Technicians: Works with Technologists,
Engineers and other members of the Engineering Family.
objective is to Provide a central organization for engineering
technicians, advance the interest of technical profession in Nigeria. Promote,
protect, encourage and maintain a high standard of technical education and
training to encourage greater efficiency amongst its members. Conduct and
organize seminars, conferences, workshops, meetings, courses, symposia,
technical shows, exhibitions and other similar exercises on technical topics
and subjects in Nigeria.
9. Research
Organizations: The need for and the importance of building and road
research in Nigeria was recognized as far back as the colonial era. The initial
focus was however on building research. Indeed in 1952, the West African
Building Research Institute (WABRI) was established as a Sub-Regional Building
Research Centre to provide services to The Gambia, Sierra Leone, Gold Coast
(now Ghana) and Nigeria, with its Headquarter in Accra. As soon as Ghana
gained political independence, she withdrew from WABRI in 1962. The WABRI
substation in Zaria was subsequently transferred to the then Federal Ministry
of Works and Survey. Interestingly, the Zaria station failed to evolve as
a national research centre in Nigeria due to a number of reasons which included
the fact that the research programme developed by the expatriate staff did not
appear at that time to
further Nigeria’s national goals and, secondly, the fact that there was lack of
qualified and experienced Nigerian staff to run the station after the departure
of the expatriate staff.
significant progress was made towards the establishment of a national
construction research institute until 1970/71 when the then Federal Ministry of
Works and Housing (FMWH) sought for technical assistance from the United
Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The UNDP engaged the services of Mr I
Small, a former Director of WABRI to prepare a report that would form the basis
of the request of the Nigerian Government to UNDP (Special Fund). The report
recommended the establishment of a National Construction and Road Research
Institute (NCRRI). Unfortunately, the project was not given a high enough
priority and was not included in Nigeria’s request to UNDP.
are other organisations apart from the professionals associations mentioned
above that also contribute middle and lower cadre manpower to the success of
the building industry. These include the following:
· Trade Associations
· Employers’ Associations and
· Employer’s
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